Helpful Information

EMV Integration

EMV Integration has been a big discussion as of late and many have been driven into a state of panic, but there is no need to panic. First let’s discuss what EMV actually is. EMV stands for Europay, MasterCard and Visa. The EMV integration is a joint effort thought up by Europay, MasterCard and Visa to…

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Don’t Forget To Run Your Year-End Reports!

Don’t forget to run your A/R Balance Report and Inventory Value Reports for year-end before the first of January. Running your A/R Balance report: Manager>Reports>Customer>Accounts Receivable Summary, then run without filters, click OK, and print. Running your Inventory Value Report: Manager>Reports>Items>Value List, then run without any filters, click OK, and print. Tip: You can memorize…

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New Downloads

Tip: Refreshing your system is important after downloading. When adding new data or downloads, it’s always important to restart your program to reflect the newly added data.

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Help Guide

Our Microsoft RMS Add-Ins Help Guide is a searchable reference. It’s free and installs directly into RMS Manager. You can download it, here. Follow the download instructions to download the file. The help file is located in Store Operations Manager> Utilities> Add-Ins> Add-Ins Help File

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