Lumber & Building Material Dealers

Run your entire LBM business with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Manage customers, vendors, inventory, sales, purchasing, assembly, and production including full accounting and EDI connections to any distributor or COOP.

Selling functions include point of sale, sales orders, contractor desk, charge accounts, walk-ins, special orders, authorized buyers, job tracking, and delivery. Manage items with unlimited: units of measure, locations, and pricing for public, contractors and wholesale. Includes full general ledger P&L, operating accounts, AR, AP, FA, cash flow, payroll integrations and more.

Additional embedded Microsoft technology includes OCR document processing, bank and processor connections, Microsoft Copilot, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Office and Outlook, and Mobile app for any function/transaction Business Central is capable of; any time on any device.

How Business Central Benefits Lumber Stores:

Inventory Management

Business Central provides advanced inventory management capabilities for handling diverse and often bulky products like lumber and building materials. It can manage stock levels, track inventory across multiple locations or yards, and handle dimensional lumber, sheet products, board feet, linear feet, or any other possible unit of measure.

Utilize unlimited units of measure per item: PCs, BF, MBF, LF, CF to buy, sell, and tally inventory over multi-locations, with multiple suppliers. Seasonally forecast or perform sales based re-ordering or ABC analysis to stock what is needed.

Cost-Effective Payment Processing

To Choose credit card processing from any major credit card processor. Don’t be held hostage to a single payment processor and pay excessive credit card processing fees.

Order Processing and Fulfillment

Business Central helps in the order process, from quotation to delivery, including special orders and backorder management. This is particularly important for dealers dealing with large projects or custom orders.

Additionally, with CRM capabilities dealers can manage customer accounts, track sales interactions, and understand customer needs better, facilitating improved customer service and targeted marketing efforts.

Supply Chain Management

Business Central supports supply chain management, from procurement of materials to managing relationships with suppliers and vendors. This includes automated reorder processes, which are essential for maintaining optimal stock levels of high-demand materials.

Leverage supplier costs, landed costs, sales history, purchase history, and forecasting to make purchasing decisions.

Warehouse and Yard Management

The system can manage specific challenges of warehouse and yard operations in the lumber and building materials sector, such as storing large and varied inventory and managing pick, pack, and shipping processes.

Manage multiple stores, locations, warehouses, or storage areas from a single login. No more synchronization, all data is real-time between all locations so you can manage inventory, customers, and staff for one location or all locations simultaneously.

Project Management

For dealers involved in larger construction projects or providing value-added services such as custom cutting or assembly, Business Central's project management features can help track project costs, timelines, and resource allocation.

Purchase supplies for a job, either on purchase orders or invoices, and record item and time usage.

Pricing and Discount Management

The software can handle complex pricing strategies, including volume discounts, contract pricing, and promotional offers, which are common in the building materials industry.

Mobile Access Everywhere

Given the nature of the industry, mobile access to the system for sales staff and warehouse personnel can stay connected and improve customer service, allowing for real-time updates and access to information on the go.

Access all Business Central software functions from anywhere, whether you are in-store, at home, or on the road.  Unlimited free installations mean you can perform any function, anywhere, with the same username and password.

Consolidate Your Software

Eliminate double entry and support for multiple software systems. Business Central handles front-end, back-end, and accounting effortlessly.

Modern Interface

Modern Interface: Add or remove fields and columns from any screen in the system to adapt to the way you work. Add or remove columns in any lists, to quickly see, sort, and filter any data needed. 

Connected To Excel & Other Microsoft software

While viewing a list of records in Business Central, single click to open them in Excel, edit, add equations, and send results instantly back into Business Central.

Explore our selection of optional Microsoft AppSource extensions, designed for your specific business requirements.

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